About Us

The Caribbean Sepsis and AMR Alliance is part of the Global Sepsis Alliance, an international non-profit charity organization. The CSA was founded at the University of the West Indies in May 2024, with the aim to raise awareness for sepsis as well as to reducing sepsis deaths in the Caribbean Region.

Our Vision

A Caribbean where sepsis is recognized early and treated effectively, thereby reducing deaths and improving patient outcomes.

What We Do

Lobby for Change

The Caribbean Sepsis and AMR Alliance works with its members, governments, the World Health Organization, and engaged individuals to change how sepsis is prioritized, diagnosed, and treated within the Caribbean Region, as laid out by the WHO Resolution on Sepsis.

CSA Working Groups

The CSA will establish its working groups soon.

Educate on Sepsis

Sepsis arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. It may lead to shock, multi-organ failure, and death – especially if not recognized early and treated promptly. Sepsis is the final common pathway to death from most infectious diseases worldwide, including viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

Develop and Implement a Pan-Regional Sepsis Strategy

Bringing together all stakeholders, including patients and their families, to increase understanding that improvement of early recognition and appropriate management of sepsis must become the keystone of a comprehensive infection management strategy for the Caribbean Region.

Raise Awareness on (Social) Media

One key part of fighting sepsis in the Caribbean region is awareness. Studies show that only 6 % to 50 % have heard the term sepsis before, highly depending on the country. To raise awareness for sepsis, we bring relevant information about sepsis and the work of the CSA to you on social media directly.