Our Team

The Caribbean Sepsis and AMR Alliance is run by a 14-person steering committee – 11 elected directly by our members, plus the 3 coordinators of the 3 CSA Working Groups. The CSA is supported by the World Sepsis Day Head Office.

Dr. Sandeep Maharaj, Chief Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago

Sandeep is the Director of the School of Pharmacy at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. He is also a Global Outreach Fellow Emeritus at the Planetary Health Alliance. Dr Maharaj has a special interest in Climate Change and Mental Health and the impact of sepsis on both.

Dr. Satish Jankie, Secretary, Trinidad and Tobago

Satish is a Pharmacologist and registered Pharmacist with 18 years of experience within the hospital and primary care setting. He is a lecturer in Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics at the School of Pharmacy, University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus. He is keenly interested in pharmacy practice, antimicrobial resistance, and its impact on sepsis

Dr. Paul Cadogan, Regional Expert, Jamaica

Paul is a veterinarian working in private clinical practice in Jamaica and is a part-time Local Veterinary Inspector for the Government Veterinary Services Division. He is a One Health Leader and co-chairs the Organizing Committee for the annual JVMA-CCFP-J One Health Conference. He is interested in the veterinary profession's involvement in addressing sepsis globally.

Dr. Natalie Greaves, Regional ExperT, Barbados

Natalie, MBBS, PhD, is a Lecturer and expert applied public health researcher at UWI-Cave Hill, Barbados. Her work includes examining the impact of climate and climate policy on health outcomes. Natalie is responsible for delivering the health and the environment components of the MBBS (undergraduate) curriculum and coordinates the MPhil/PhD program in Public Health and Epidemiology. 

Dr. Rajeev Peeyush Nagassar, Regional Expert, Trinidad and Tobago

Rajeev is a Specialist Medical Officer in the field of Medical Microbiology. He has been a member of several local, regional, and international organizations. He is a leader in Antimicrobial Resistance and its components of Antimicrobial Stewardship.

Dr. Darren Dookeeram, Regional Expert, Trinidad and Tobago

Darren has completed specialist training in Emergency Medicine, a Masters of Business Administration at St. George’s University, and a Masters in International Affairs and Diplomacy through the United Nations and the UOC in Barcelona, Spain. He holds a Membership in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and a Fellowship in the Royal Society of Public Health in the United Kingdom. Dr. Dookeeram is a well-published researcher with work in emergency medicine, global health, antimicrobial stewardship, and cardiology.

Dr. Aldyth Buckland, Regional Expert, Jamaica

Aldyth is a Family Doctor in private practice, teaches healthy lifestyles, mentors UWI Medical Students, and is an accredited member of the Caribbean College of Family Physicians. She is the immediate Past President of CCFP-Ja, Co-Chair of One Health Conference, and CCFP Rep on the Caribbean Planetary Alliance and Caribbean Sepsis Alliance.

Dr. Dale Ventour, Regional Expert, Trinidad and Tobago

Dale is a lecturer, Head of anesthesia at UWI STA, consultant, and ICU lead at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.

Dr. Andrés Vásquez, Regional Expert

Andrés is the Chair of the Technical Working Group on Antimicrobial Resistance at the Caribbean Animal Health Network-CaribVET. He is a Veterinarian and a Specialist in Risk Analysis, Food Safety, and One Health Approach.

Dr. Kandamaran Krishnamurthy, Regional Expert, Barbados

Kandamaran is trained in Pediatric Critical care (UK) and has Specialist registration with the Barbados Medical Council & Medical Board of Trinidad & Tobago. He has worked in India, Trinidad, and Cambridge, UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH), and a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine (FCCM). He is a Global representative of the Pediatric platform of Global Sepsis Alliance and was elected as a Chair for the Pediatric online module by the Society of Critical Care Medicine(SCCM) USA, 2024.

Dr. Tennille Auguste, Regional Expert, Trinidad and Tobago

Tennille is a veterinarian and assistant lecturer at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. She completed a Master's in Clinical and Translational Research as well as a rotating internship in Small Animal Surgery and Medicine at Purdue University, USA. She performs soft-tissue and orthopedic procedures for small animals and surgical consultations. She has an interest in antimicrobial resistance and is a member of the Antimicrobial Resistance working group of the Caribbean Animal Health Network (CaribVET).

Dr. Katherine Innis, Regional Expert, Jamaica

Katherine completed postgraduate training at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, U.S.A. with a residency in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. She is American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) certified in Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. She is currently a lecturer and consultant in Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. She is also a Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Instructor with The Heart Foundation of Jamaica.

PRof. Rajini Kurup, Guyana

Rajini is a Professor at the College of Medical Sciences, University of Guyana. She is also the Assistant Dean-Administration, College of Medical Sciences, and the Director of the School of Graduate Studies and Research. He presented more than 40 research works at various regional, national, and international conferences and published more than 60 research articles in various peer-reviewed journals.

Selena Deochand, Trinidad and Tobago

Selena is a Pharmacist, Graphic Designer, and the Social Media Manager for the Caribbean Sepsis and AMR Alliance. She has a keen interest in expanding her expertise in pharmacology and clinical pharmacy practice. Her work aims to educate and engage diverse audiences about sepsis and antimicrobial resistance in the Caribbean.

World Sepsis Day Head Office

Marvin Zick, Germany

Marvin is General Manager of the Global Sepsis Alliance and has a background in Business Administration. He is responsible for all communications, websites, World Sepsis Day, World Sepsis Congress, and more.


Simone has joined the Global Sepsis Alliance as Coordinator Regional Sepsis Alliances in October 2019. He has an extensive background in public affairs, external communications, and project management which he will put to good use to coordinate the work of the Regional Sepsis Alliances and the implementation of national sepsis strategies.

Dr. MAriam Jashi, Georgia

Mariam is the CEO of the Global Sepsis Alliance. She brings 25 years of experience in global health from Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. From 2012 to 2020, she served as a Member of Parliament, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee, Deputy Minister of Health, and President of the Innovative Financing Secretariat hosted by the French Foreign Ministry. She is a Global Board Member of the UNITE Parliamentarians’ Network, Advisory Board Chair of the Tbilisi Medical Academy, and Secretary General of the Medical Women’s International Association.


Katja is a graphic designer and social media manager at the Global Sepsis Alliance. She is responsible for nearly all visuals you see – from the CSA logo to the World Sepsis Day Infographics.